Senin, 25 Januari 2016

First Meeting In Marketing Class

Indriyani Anggi Pramesti
Graduate Student of Master Program in Management
Graduate School School of Business (
Bogor Agriculture University (


Prof. Dr. Ir. Ujang Sumarwan, M.Sc. (,
Dr. Ir. Hartoyo, M.Sc.
Dr. Ir. Dodik Nur Rachmat, M.Sc.F.
Dr. Kirbandoko, M.S.M.
Dr. Ir. Mukhammad Najib, M.M.

First Lecture
At first meeting Marketing Class (January 19th, 2016) with Prof. Dr. Ir. Ujang Sumarwan, M.Sc., I learned many things about the definition of marketing. Before we started to learned more about marketing theory, we have to mention for each student, one phrase about marketing in our mind. The answers were so many, such as, brand, activity that influence the market, product, strategy, sales, target (goals), event, product communication, consumers perception and bargaining. After all the students mentioned their opinion, we can concluded that marketing is an organizational function and a set of process for creating, communicating and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholder. In this section, I also learned about the reasons why we have to study marketing. The reasons is because there are some market factors that we can not achieve by using machine. After that, I also learned about the core concepts of marketing which is consist of: 1) Market segmentation, targeting, positioning; 2) Needs, wants, demands, and benefits; 3) Marketing mix; 4) Value; and 5) Exchange, transactions and satisfaction. In the core concepts of marketing, we explored more about the point 2 (needs, wants, demands, and benefits). 1) Needs means the basic things should be known by the supplier to make a products which is desirable by customers; 2) Wants means needs that achieved yet by customers; 3) Demands means the customers purchasing capability; 4) Benefits means the outcomes sought by consumer that motivate by buying behaviour. We are given an example a roller coaster from amusment park fulfill the needs, wants, demands and benefits of the customers. In the end of the class, we are explained about the four P’s (marketing’s tools: the marketing mix) which is consist of products, price, place and promotion.
So, for conclusion from this section, I learned so many things about marketing that I have not learned before. I gain some new knowledge in information about what is marketing, what should we do for marketing and what is the final purpose for us doing marketing. 

 Text Book
Ujang Sumarwan (editor). 2015. Pemasaran Strategic: Perspektif Perlilaku Konsumen dan Marketing Plan. IPB Press.
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Sumarwan Ujang; Agus Djunaedi; Aviliani; H.C Royke; Jusuf Agus Sayono; Rico R Budidarmo; Sofyan Rambe. (Strategic Marketing: Strategy for Corporate Growth and Share Holder Value).-Pemasaran Strategik: Strategi Untuk Pertumbuhan Perusahaan dalam Penciptaan Nilai bagi Pemegang Saham . Published byInti Prima, Februari 2009, ISBN 979-450-451-3  Please dowload link below for book preview:
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Sumarwan, U., Achmad Fachrodji., Adman Nursal., Arissetyanto Nugroho., Erry Ricardo Nurzal., Ign Anung Setiadi., Suharyono., Zeffry Alamsyah. 1st Printing. 2011. Marketing Strategic: Value Based Marketing and Marketing Metrics. Pemasaran Strategik: Persfektif Value-Based Marketing dan Pengukuran Kinerja. Bogor, IPB Press.
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Pemasaran strategik menguraikan bagaimana sebuah perusahaan harus memahami konsumen, sehingga dapat menyusun strategi pemasarannya untuk mencapai tujuan-tujuan perusahaan guna meningkatkan kinerja perusahaan dan menciptakan nilai tambah bagi pemegang saham.Pemasaran adalah memahami berbagai kebutuhan para pelanggan dan mengembangkan sebuah proposisi untuk menawarkan nilai yang superior. Melalui penyediaan nilai pelanggan yang lebih tinggi maka manajemen dapat memberikan dan menghasilkan nilai yang lebih tinggi pula kepada para pemegang saham. Nilai suatu merek dagang terbentuk dari kepercayaan para pelanggan terhadap merek dagang perusahaan. Kepercayaan ini membentuk relasi antara merek dan pelanggan yang mendorong preferensi, loyalitas merek, dan keinginan untuk mempertimbangkan produk dan jasa baru yang ditawarkan perusahaan di masa depan dengan merek tersebut. Buku ini juga menguraikan bagaimana langkah-langkah untuk membangun ekuitas merek serta menjelaskan beberapa metode untuk mengukur ekuitas merek.

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